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Literature Notes and Vocabulary 





Anaphora- repetition of a word or words at the beginning of two or more successive verses, clauses, or sentences 


Characterization- the methods a writer uses to reveal the personality of a character.  (direct characterization-writer makes explicit statements about character or indirect characterization- writer reveals a character through that individual's words, thoughts, and actions and through what other characters think and say about that character) 

Conflict- the struggle between opposing forces in a story or drama. (extrenal conflict or internal conflict)

Dramatic Irony- the audience or reader knows information that characters do not. 


Figurative Language- language that uses figures of speech, or expressions that are not literally true but express some truth beyond the literal level

Foreshadowing- an author's use of clues to prepare readers for events that will happen later in a story 


Imagery- descriptive language that appeals to one or more of the 5 senses (sight, hearing, touch, taste, and smell) 

Irony- a contrast or discrepancy between apperance and reality, or between what is expected and what actually happens 


Juxtaposition- the placement of 2 or more distinct elements side by side in order to contrast or compare them


Metaphor- a figure of speech that makes a comparison between two seemingly unlike things 

Mood- the emotional quality of a literary work. 


Paraphrasing- is putting something into your own words (same length as the original passage). 

Personification- a figure of speech in which an animal, an object, a force of nature, or an idea is given human characteristics 


Setting- the time and place in which the events or a literary work occurs.  Also includes ideas, customs, values, and beliefs of a particular time and place. 

Simile- a figure of speech that uses "like" or "as" to compare seemingly unlike things

Situational Irony- the actual outcome of a situation is the opposite of what is expected. 

Symbol- any person, animal, place, object, or event that exists on a literal level within a work but also represents something on a figurative level. 


Theme- the main idea or message of a story, poem, novel, pr play often expressed as a general statement about life. 

Verbal Irony- a person says one thing and means another.


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