ACT Vocabulary Words
Lesson 1:
Gall- n. shameless boldness; nerve
Parry- v. to deflect or evade a blow, especially in sword fighting
Cogitate- v. to think deeply
Transpire- v. to happen; to take place
Ruffian- n. a brutal, lawless person
Licentious- adj. morally unrestrained
Numismatist- n. a coin collector
Paucity- n. scarcity, lack
Fatalistic- adj. believing that all events in life are inevitable and determined by fate
Obtrude- v. to force oneself into a situation uninvited
Pensive- adj. dreamily thoughtful
Lackadaisical- adj. uninterested; listless
Alienate- v. to turn away feelings or affections
Elated- adj. in high spirits; exultantly proud and joyful
Epigram- n. a witty saying expressing a single thought or observation
Roots, Prefixes, and Suffixes
The prefix pro- means "before" or "in front"
The roots fab and fess means "to speak"
The roots hab and hib means "to have" or "to possess"
Lesson 2:
Prose- n. ordinary writing or speech, other than poetry or music
Renaissance- n. a revival or rebirth, especially in thinking or activity
Surcharge- n. a charge added to the usual cost
Enshroud- v. to cover up; to conceal
Broach- v. to bring up a subject for discussion
Amalgamate- v. to combine
Demented- adj. mentally ill; insane
Hone- v. to sharpen
Beleaguer- v. to besiege by encircling (as with an army); to harass
Gorge- v. to eat or swallow greedily
Antiquated- adj. no longer used or useful; very old
Opiate- n. a narcotic used to cause sleep or bring relief from pain
Caricature- n. an exaggerated portrayal of one's features
Dally- v. to waste time; to dawdle
Felonious- adj. pertaining to or constituting a major crime
Roots, Prefixes, and Suffixes
The prefix sub- means "under" or "below"
The suffix -ize means "to make"
The roots hab and hib means "to have" or "to prosses"
Lesson 3:
Insurrection- n. a rebellion against established authority or government
Thesis- n. a proposed idea that has yet to be proven
Maul- v. to injure by beating and rough treatment
Deliberate- v. to consider carefully, especially as group
Forum- n. a meeting or meeting place for public discussion
Edifice- n. a large, elaborate structure; an imposing building
Ambidextrous- adj. equally skillful with either hand
Belated- adj. delayed
Animate- v. to give life or motion to
Knead- v. to work dough or clay into a uniform mixture
Chauvinist- n. one having a fanatical devotion to a country, gender, or religion, and displaying contempt for other countries, the opposite sex, or other beliefs
Egalitarian- adj. promoting equal rights for all people
Berserk- adj. in a state of violent or destructive rage
Ostentatious- adj. marked by a conspicuous, showy, or pretentious display
Delude- v. to mislead; to fool
Roots, Prefixes, and Suffixes
The roots mater or matr means "mother"
The root micro means "small"
The root meter means "measure"
The root aut means "self"
Lesson 4:
Composite- adj. made up of separate parts
Navigable- adj. able to be passed or traversed, especially for ships
Accentuate- v. to emphasize
Transcribe- v. to write out or copy information, usually by hand
Fruition- n. the attainment or completion of something desired
Elude- v. to escape notice; to get away from
Fallow- adj. inactive; unproductive
Blight- n. anything that destroys, prevents growth, or causes devaluation
Obsequy- n. a funeral rite or ceremony
Denizen- n. an occupant; an inhabitant
Fealty- n. obligated loyalty or faithfulness
Entice- v. to attract by offering reward or pleasure
Gratify- v. to please
Laggard- n. a slow person, especially one who falls behind
Gambit- n. a maneuver or action used to gain an advantage
Roots, Prefixes, and Suffixes
The root chroma means "color"
The prefix mono- means "one"
The prefix poly- means "many"
The root morph means "form" or "shape"
Lesson 5:
Ingrate- n. a person who offers no thanks
Status Quo- n. the existing situation or state of affairs
Jeopardize- v. to put in danger
Waylay- v. to interrupt or attack unexpectedly
Abscond- v. to leave secretly and quickly, especially to avoid punishment
Jaded- adj. worn out; dulled, as from overindulgence
Gist- n. the main point
Advocate- v. to recomment; to speak in favor of
Efface- v. to obliterate; to wipe out
Charisma- n. personal appeal or attraction; magnetism
Ogre- n. a brute; a large monster; a frightful giant
Mesmerize- v. to hypnotize
Entity- n. anything having existence, either physical or mystical
Bandy- v. to exchange words; to discuss casually
Dastardly- adj. cowardly and treacherous
Roots, Prefixes, and Suffixes
The root fort means "strong"
The root graph means "writing"
The root gen means "born," "to produce," or "kind"
The prefix mono- means "one"
Lesson 6:
Indisposed- adj. slightly ill
Stark- adj. grim and barren
Commandeer- v. to seize property for official use
Sally- v. to rush forward suddenly, usually from a defensive position
Cadence- n. the rhythmic flow of an activity, especially marching or dancing
Nepotism- n. favoritism shown to family or friends y those in power, especially in business or hiring practices
Begrudge- v. to resent another's success; to envy
Mandarin- n. an influential person; a member of an elite group
Glutinous- adj. gluey; sticky
Enmity- n. deep-seated hostility, often mutual
Declaim- v. to speak in a dramatic, impassioned, or blustering manner
Imbue- v. to inspire or influence; to saturate
Gaffe- n. an embarrassing, public mistake or remark
Quaff v. to drink in large quantities; to gulp
Bibliophile- n. a lover of books
Roots, Prefixes, and Suffixes
The prefix biblio- means "book"
The root mort means "death"
The root voc and vok means "to call"
Lesson 7:
Primevel- adj. of the ancient, first ages of the world
Dote- v. to show excessive love for
Tenure- n. the period of time a job lasts
Laminate- v. to make by bonding layers together
Substantiate- v. to support with proof or evidence
Gird- v. to prepare for an event or an action
Daunt- v. to make afraid; to discourage
Flux- n. a state of continual change or movement
Hovel- n. a wretched living place; an open shed
Cadaverous- adj. of or like a corpse; pale; gaunt; thin
Gothic- adj. of the middle ages; of or relating to a mysterious grotesque, and desolate style of fiction
Penury- n. extreme poverty
Egress- n. an exit; a means of going out
Exuberance- n. high spirits; happy enthusiasm
Despot- n. a dictator with absolute power
Prefixes, and Suffixes
The suffix -ism means "belief in"
The root deci means "ten"
The prefix anti- means "against"
The roots duc and duct means "to lead"
The root do means "to give"
Lesson 8:
Gaunt- adj. very thin and bony, especially from sickness
Undue- adj. inappropriately excessive
Guerilla- n. a member of an independent band of soldiers that engages in raids and surprise attacks
Mire- n. muddy, swampy ground
Sector- n. a part or division
Beget- v. to produce; to make happen
Educe- v. to draw or bring out
Glean- v. to collect bit by bit; to gather with patient labor
Chafe- v. to wear or irritate, often through rubbing or friction
Effrontery- n. shameless boldness
Imbibe- v. to drink (especially alcohol)
Feign- v. to pretend
Desist- v. to stop; to discontinue
Allude- v. to hint at; to refer to indirectly
Elite- n. the choice members or best of a group
Prefixes, and Suffixes
The root termin means "end" or "boundary"
The root ver means "true"
The roots dem and demos mean "people"
Lesson 9:
Bilk- v. to cheat or swindle; to thwart
Homily- n. a sermon
Demise- n. death; a ceasing to exist
Emit- v. to sent out; to give forth, as in sound or light
Decadence- n. moral deterioration
Aghast- adj. feeling great dismay or horror
Granary- n. a storehouse for grain
Choleric- adj. easily angered
Impede- v. to hinder; to obstruct
Qualm- n. a feeling of uneasiness
Lampoon- n. a written satire used to ridicule or attack someone
Narcissistic- adj. conceited; having excessive self-love or admiration
Eradicate- v. to wipe out; to destroy
Fabricate- v. to concoct; to make up a story in order to deceive
Ghastly- adj. horrible; frightful
Prefixes, and Suffixes
The root multi means "many"
The root naut and naus means "sailor" or "ship"
The roots nov and neo mean "new"